Nathan has success launched 30+ birthdays since 1985, giving him unprecedented experience in launching future birthdays on the blockchain.

To help celebrate my birthday this year, I wanted to do something that would allow me to grow, and share with others. To do this, I decided I wanted to launch my own token, named the Birthday Cake token.
The idea behind the Birthday Cake token is to remember the time I've spent living, and share that time with my friends and family. So to do this, I will be generating 1 CAKE token for every second of my life so far (1,041,379,200 seconds) and give those away. Then to celebrate every year after, tokens will be released for that previous years time. This will happen every year until I am 100 years old. Totalling 3,155,760,000 CAKE tokens.
You can do this on by participating in the ICO, or by writing me "Happy Birthday" on Twitter at @nathantross, using the hashtag #BirthdayCakeToken. Or just be creative with how you wish me Happy Birthday and let me know! I want to see crazy stuff :)
On Feb 25th, I'll begin releasing CAKE tokens to people who purchased during the ICO and/or wished me Happy Birthday on Twitter at @nathantross using hashtag #BirthdayCakeToken
If you join the ICO, you'll automatically be invited the the Birthday Cake token Party next year on Jan 25, 2018 for the release of more CAKE. More details to come. Snoop Dogg could even be there (No, he probably won't).
The original founder of the project, Ellen Ross, began production on January 25th, 1985.
Birthday Cake token ICO opens to the public.
Birthday Cake token ICO closes.
All 33 years of existing Birthday Cake tokens will be released to the public.
Birthday Cake Owners party (or whoever wants to come), along with first new year distribution of new tokens.
How many Birthday Cake tokens will exist? (CAKE)
3,155,760,000 CAKE tokens.
What is the Birthday Cake token symbo?
When does the Birthday Cake token ICO Begin?
On January 25th, 2018 at 00:00:00PST.
When does the Birthday Cake token ICO End?
On February 25th, 2018 at 23:59:99PST.
When will Birthday Cake tokens be distributed?
On February 25th, 2018.
How will Birthday Cake tokens be distributed?
1,041,379,200 CAKE Tokens will be given out on February 25th, 2018. This number will include all 33 years of tokens generated. Each year following tokens will be released on January 25th.
Ex β 31,536,000 CAKE tokens will be released on January 25th, 2019. 31,536,000 CAKE tokens will be released on January 25th, 2020. This release will continue until January 25th, 2085.
Why did you choose that exact number of tokens? 3,155,760,000 CAKE
The number is based on 1 token being generated for each second in 100 years, starting from January 25th, 1985 and ending January 25th, 2085.
Wait, I still don't get it. Show me the math!
Sure :)
What is the distribution of CAKE tokens?
For the initial 31,536,000 CAKE tokens, the last year worth of tokens will be given to my wife Luisangela, and the other 31 years will be distributed to friends, family, and everyone else. The Founder Nathan Ross will hodl 0 tokens until next year.
How do I get Birthday Cake tokens?
You can buy tokens right now! You can also get tokens by following Nathan Ross on Twitter and tweeting "Happy Birthday" at @nathantross.
What is the price of CAKE tokens during the ICO?
0. They're priceless :)
Cool! So if CAKE is free, what else should I HODL?
These opportunities show the best long-term gains in our company's opinion. I'd send money and tokens to these non-profits...
Nathan has success launched 30+ birthdays since 1985, giving him unprecedented experience in launching future birthdays on the blockchain.
Not only has Luisangela launched 30+ birthdays herself, she has also helped manage the last two birthdays of Founder Nathan Ross, as the company's Chief Wife Officer. She is also in charge of all daily and financial activites.
Angel has a close connection to not only dogs, but cats as well. This peaked Angel's interest in My Ether Wallet (MEW), which led to Angel contributing to multiple successful ICOs. Angel is always on to the next big thing! Learn more about Angel.
60+ launched birthdays puts Tom in an unprecendented position to advise on the future of the Birthday Cake token. He's also helped manage several of Nathan's birthday product releases over the past 3 decades.
Ellen not only has 50+ years of experience in the field of birthdays, she was the original investor in Nathan's birthdays. She has done this, along with many other ventures with Nathan's co-brother Justin.
Want conversation with your CAKE as well? Perfect! In that case please reach out to us directly.